From a thread asking opinions about emoji usage.

However it happens and whomever is responsible here we are... and we're losing ground fast. And things like emojis are leading the charge.

Should we tell them is responsible?


  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    7 months ago

    Honestly fuck everything about that comment but especially fuck how this person seems to think that Egyptian hieroglyphics were in any conceivable way a "primitive" writing system, as opposed to a writing system so multifaceted and complicated it took the literal Rosetta Stone as well as the comparative method with Coptic and Proto-Afro-Asiatic to decipher it and understand its inner workings.

    For that matter fuck that this person thinks that cave paintings are a "primitive" art form. It's like, oh wow imagine using the bumps in cave walls to create depth and the flicker of torchlight to create the illusion of animation. Imagine painstakingly manufacturing the paint used. Imagine coordinating a community effort to help document and illustrate its own oral history using iconography that we can only theorize about. Couldn't be me!

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      If anything, the problem with hieroglyphics is they weren't simple enough. They were designed to be used by a priestly class and nobody else. Then even that priestly class thought it was too annoying to draw a whole ass picture for a syllable or a number and they invented hieratic cursive to greatly simplify the writing process.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        7 months ago

        Then Cuneiform was like "Hey, waht if we took simple arrangements of dashes and triangles and made them in to a completely illegible cluttered mess?

        Saw an older biker looking guy with some viking tattoos and I was trying to sus out if he was fashy, then saw the cuneiform tattoo and was like "Oh, he's just a history dork we're cool". He had some pagan stuff on, too, but it was a mixture of older new-agey stuff that you don't really see on the fashy neo-thoraboos.