They suck so much

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    Sometimes I get a reminder why I never spent time at places like r/news which seems to me to be what a lot of the net is.

    Ah yes genocide, where 14,500 people out of 2.048 Million have been killed in 45 days (0.7% of the population) in the war started by terrorists hiding behind the same civilians, and that number too given by the very same so trustworthy oh so poor terrorists I mean freedom fighters (who also include their own fighters killed in that number, as those poor freedom fighters have filmed themselves fighting in civilian clothes hence they are civilians), who kill their own civilians with their own crappy rockets yet blame it on the other party, and each one of the 14k killed hand counted and verified by the poor honest doctors who have never seen a gun bearing terrorist inside a hospital nor ever seen a tunnel or a hostage, being committed by the strongest military power in the region, which has the capacity to kill all those 2Million people in a single day!

    • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      being committed by the strongest military power in the region, which has the capacity to kill all those 2Million people in a single day!

      the only reason why Israel didn't do a full blown 'final solution' is because there's a very good chance that would result in a military intervention by Arab states.

      Btw 15000 dead is equivalent to 700 9/11s for Ameribrains out there. Another measure, 1 in 200 people are dead.

      • Barabas [he/him]
        7 months ago

        It would probably be a bit strong for their western allies to stomach as well. You can see how they're struggling to spin the narrative in the usual direction with how mask off a lot of Israeli politicians are getting.

    • sisatici [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Russia has capacity to level Ukraine at this point and I would guess "they could have eradicated everyone if they wanted" applies to China in xinjiang but those are definitely doing genocide. How much of a percentage of civilians Russia killed in 2 years?

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        7 months ago

        How much of a percentage

        I think it's also always a good idea to remind non-Hexbears of Boston versus Texas. Gaza is the size of Boston and Ukraine is the size of Texas. They might say they already know that but to me their comments show they aren't actually focusing on it. Also - bombing the holy fuck out of Boston can't be argued against f they want to pretend to be decent people.

        It forces them to remember that besides the war crimes and the crimes against humanity - Israel has already dropped an insane number of bombs over a relatively tiny area. I don't know the current number. 7,000? 8,000? By the time this war is over - who knows what the total will be.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Ah yes

      Already a painfully Reddit start. Can those smarmy condescending assholes even try not to talk that way?