PSL winds up being the only party represented in every state ballot following a spate of tit-for-tat removals of Trump and Biden across the whole country
PSL candidate receives protest votes from dems in each state Biden is excluded and vice versa
PSL candidate accidentally wins Florida
This would be both funny and good, so it can't happen
We'll end up with some libertarian nutbar instead
vermin supreme is the compromise candidate
He doesn't appear to be running this time, unfortunately. 😢
Or, I guess, to know yet himself whether he is running? (
But I guess with all the rest of these shenanigans, that, too, might not be an insurmountable obstacle. LOL.
He’s running in the Dem primary
Seriously? Last place I'd expect him, and he doesn't seem to be advertising it. But okay. I guess it's back on! LOL.
Do we have any American equivalent of .... oh shit
This was my prediction first. Do not steal!