• Hohsia [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Fuuuuuuck why does social Darwinism appeal to anyone

    • @DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      Same reason all hateful right wing grifts succeed. It promises the target that their pathetic existence is a result of the (insert enemy here) keeping them down and in a world with (insert horrible atrocity here) they would be the superior special ubermensch they've always imagined themselves to be. It offers ego stroking and enables them to avoid the repercussions of their own actions.

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      6 months ago

      CHUDs see life as a video game.

      It doesn't matter if our ideas work or that they will solve any problems, they see that these solved problems as boring and want to keep them so they can feel tough or whatever. Have you seen even some of their fantasies? Look at The Turner Diaries, pages of just mental masturbation about the race war like it's a video game fight. Even their masochistic desire to make life excruciatingly difficult through all their handouts to rent-seekers is them insisting we are all noobs that need to "git gud" like them, It's all pure LARP. Even if they got what they wanted and had an all-white utopia, they'd just go to killing each other.

      CHUDs are mentally on the same level of a Powerpuff girls villain.