• SoyViking [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I think most people here wants Palestinians and 'Israelis' to "get along". We just realise that this is only possible in a free secular Palestine with equal rights and protections regardless of race or religion, justice for the victims of apartheid and genocide and comprehensive property reforms to mitigate decades of zionist exploitation.

    Jews has been living in Palestine since forever and there is no reason why a liberated Palestine shouldn't have a Jewish community. Fascists who thinks being the master race entitles them to Lebensraum can get in the sea but I sincerely hope that those 'Israelis' who wants to live in peace with their Arab Palestinian neighbours are able to stay and prosper.

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      Yeah the issue isn’t Jewish people living in the Levantine, it’s that peace isn’t possible so long as the Israeli ethnotheocratic state exists.