
  • @robinn_IV
    5 months ago

    The funny thing is, he's almost certainly telling Netanyahu to chill out behind closed doors. He just cant force him to do anything.

    Correct. People think diplomacy works like a TV show. If they don't see it on the screen, it isn't happening. Calling Netanyahu out in public is one of the worst things Biden could do. It would strengthen him with his base at a time when he desperately needs to be out of office. It's almost like international diplomacy is complicated

    International diplomacy is complicated, see despite the entire system being geared towards the eradication of the Palestinian people, it’s actually just Netanyahu that’s the problem. And anyways I had a dream Biden scolded Netanyahu despite actively supporting Israel in every statement (he’s secretly very mad).

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      Lol liberals saying other people view the world as a tv show. The US has no problem staging coups and assassinations but when western allies commit genocide, the leaders just need a stern talking to and their hearts will change.

    • Egon [they/them]
      5 months ago

      People think diplomacy works like a TV show. If they don't see it on the screen, it isn't happening. Calling Netanyahu out in public is one of the worst things Biden could do. It would strengthen him with his base at a time when he desperately needs to be out of office.

      You see people think diplomacy is like what we see on tv, but I know that in reality its actually some people having clandestine meetings with snappy dialogue behind closed doors, where schemes upon schemes are made, and only brought into the public eye at an interesting climax. The only show that has gotten close to showing the truth is The West Wing

    • whatdoiputhere12 [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      what fucking copium are they huffing that they think brandon is wagging his finger behind the scenes LOLLL agony

    • @oktherebuddy
      5 months ago

      I no longer believe any sort of "you'll love what's going on behind closed doors" bullshit. It has always just been a way to placate people. 90% of the time there is absolutely no reason not to have these things said in the open.