
  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    5 months ago

    I would vote for Biden over Trump if Biden came and took a shit on my cat then used my hamster to wipe his ass.

    This is a r/brandnewsentence I swear.

    You're an artist.

    I’d honestly prefer to wipe my ass with your cat. I don’t think your hamster has enough surface area to really get my butt clean.

    cognitohazard REDDIT PARTICLE LEVELS CRITICAL cognitohazard

  • Hestia [comrade/them, she/her]
    5 months ago

    People also seem to forget he's the president of the USA, not of Israel, and he also doesn't get to decide unilaterally not deliver aid to Israel Congress has authorized. This is by design, autocrats are bad, for example see: bibi

    hahahaha biden-supervised

  • CarbonScored [any]
    5 months ago

    People in here are really arguing that sure Biden is directly and very actively funding a genocide and moving mountains to make that happen. But Trump would be funding a genocide even harder so vote Biden!!!!

    What does it fucking take for a lib to realise the system is broken? Because apparently openly and borderline explicitly conspiring to commit genocide is not enough.

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I was permabanned from r/politics just the other day for simply pointing out the obvious fact that if Biden keeps doing what he's doing there isn't even going to be anyone left for Trump to genocide if/when he gets back in office.

      It's just a complete denial of reality.

        • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
          5 months ago

          Same mfers that talk about "a vote for 99% hitler is a vote against 100% hitler, so you *need *to for 99% hitler ☝️🤓" will also have the nerve to talk about authoritarianism and democracy desolate

    • Magician [he/him, they/them]
      5 months ago

      To them, hypothetical genocide is worse than actual genocide which is why they side with Israel.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      5 months ago

      They're also saying that directing foreign military policy or aid is not something you can just snap your fingers for, but if Trump was in there he'd nuke them by snapping his fingers

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      Biden is literally circumventing Congress to send them guns, has ordered UN resolutions calling for ceasefire to be shot down, and has called peace protestors MAGA people

      This is the most clear it can get that he is fundamentally barely different from Trump and his attempts at banning people from Muslim countries, but they still won't accept it because if they did, it would mean they don't have the moral high ground any longer

  • @robinn_IV
    5 months ago

    The funny thing is, he's almost certainly telling Netanyahu to chill out behind closed doors. He just cant force him to do anything.

    Correct. People think diplomacy works like a TV show. If they don't see it on the screen, it isn't happening. Calling Netanyahu out in public is one of the worst things Biden could do. It would strengthen him with his base at a time when he desperately needs to be out of office. It's almost like international diplomacy is complicated

    International diplomacy is complicated, see despite the entire system being geared towards the eradication of the Palestinian people, it’s actually just Netanyahu that’s the problem. And anyways I had a dream Biden scolded Netanyahu despite actively supporting Israel in every statement (he’s secretly very mad).

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      Lol liberals saying other people view the world as a tv show. The US has no problem staging coups and assassinations but when western allies commit genocide, the leaders just need a stern talking to and their hearts will change.

    • whatdoiputhere12 [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      what fucking copium are they huffing that they think brandon is wagging his finger behind the scenes LOLLL agony

    • Egon [they/them]
      5 months ago

      People think diplomacy works like a TV show. If they don't see it on the screen, it isn't happening. Calling Netanyahu out in public is one of the worst things Biden could do. It would strengthen him with his base at a time when he desperately needs to be out of office.

      You see people think diplomacy is like what we see on tv, but I know that in reality its actually some people having clandestine meetings with snappy dialogue behind closed doors, where schemes upon schemes are made, and only brought into the public eye at an interesting climax. The only show that has gotten close to showing the truth is The West Wing

    • @oktherebuddy
      5 months ago

      I no longer believe any sort of "you'll love what's going on behind closed doors" bullshit. It has always just been a way to placate people. 90% of the time there is absolutely no reason not to have these things said in the open.

    5 months ago

    Let's see...I predict it will be mostly be "Ok, technically it is a genocide, maybe, if you stretch the definition, but Hamas is worse, so that makes it ok!"

    EDIT: Huh, fascinating stuff in the first comment, complains about TikTok being the main Gen Z focused platform and talks about "reaching the kids" on there. No mention of China at all from that guy, I thought reddit believe that Tiktok is evil Chinese brainwashing and hated it.

    And of course the classic "Sure, Biden is committing a genocide, but Trump would nuke them! I know Trump supporters who want him to nuke the whole Middle East!" Which is just fascinating to me. These guys kiss the ass of the Dems nonstop, knowing the Dems will never actually listen to them or institute policies that they like, but they are convinced that Trump will listen to his supporters and will actually do what they want. "Populism" to them seems to mean "A politician actually doing the things their voters voted them in for." Absolutely braindead.

    I've had my fill of despair at the conditions of mankind from that first thread, I'm good. If there are any more gems I'll just have to miss out.

      5 months ago

      “Populism” to them seems to mean “A politician actually doing the things their voters voted them in for.” Absolutely braindead.

      And this brainrot is so common everywhere in so called "liberal democracies". A lot of them is straight up convinced that not doing this kind of "populism" is actually a sign of democracy and good lesser evil government.

  • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
    5 months ago

    What's blowing my mind is instead of having possibly defensible takes about there being some margin between them when it comes to Palestine, they're acting like Biden is making a world of difference and that it would be SO much worse with Trump.

    • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
      5 months ago

      also note the contradiction between how they defend Biden's complicity and/or outright support for the genocide of Palestinians because he's actually not *that *powerful - he's only the president of the United States!

      But god forbid Trump was president - somehow he (despite holding the same role) would have the power to make things incomprehensibly worse in unspeakable ways! Vote blue!

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        With Trump we were always one executive order away from brownshirts marching down the street, with Biden I learned what a parliamentarian is.

  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    I know many of you aren’t on the ‘Trump is fascist’ train, but the Dems have played the role of the SDP to perfection. It’s like Biden is wearing the skins of Muller and Bruning

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Going through that thread is fucking jokerfying to the nth degree squared. Jesus fucking Christ what the actual fuck. Basically if I understand the average r/politics users logic:

    If you don't vote for Candidate A, you are essentially voting for Candidate B and complicit in them continuing the genocide that Candidate A is currently doing and planning to continue if you do the "responsible" thing and vote for them.

    Very cool. Most important election of our lifetime indeed!

    5 months ago

    Biden is clearly the candidate better equipped to stop the violence.

    Then... why isn't he?