So let's not have a struggle session about whether we should be protecting ourselves from it

  • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
    8 months ago

    The capitalists decided that they were fine burning 20 or more years off workers' lives to keep things running "normally" for them. At least where I live, it's usually working class people of color who are forced to work in person jobs -- grocery store, barista -- who mask. They know. The leftist position should be spreading awareness of this, universal masking in public spaces everywhere, and organizing collective action against employers who force people to work in person.

    Everyone is high risk. This disease has a weirdly high incidence of causing chronic health problems. People are higher risk after they get it, given that repeat infections have been shown to lead to worse outcomes.

    It's not death by covid that frightens me, although death by covid is torturous. It's surviving a mild to moderate case of covid, and then struggling for the rest of my life with the chronic pain and debilitation I've seen so many friends come down with.

    • rtstragedy [she/her]
      8 months ago

      I've been reading all the comments on the posts on the past few days. IMO this is the correct perspective, well said.