Not related to online interactions but IRL i want to be an actual ghost. A creature living in the walls. Burrow a collection of interconnected tunnels to scuttle around in. Live in an underground bunker never to be found again.

I've been considering getting a really remote and lonely job just so I don't have to deal with being seen in my work hours.

Sometimes i daydream about being able to just slip into a pocket dimension where its just me and walk around the world just looking at things with no one else around. Or even just being a ghost would be rly cool. Just float anywhere and look at stuff

  • stigsbandit34z [they/them]
    7 months ago

    Sorta kinda. I’ve learned that people tend to freak when I say “I don’t want to be perceived” (actually landed me in a mental hospital as a teen 😀) but yeah I don’t like that people can form opinions about me and I’ve sorta operated that “I” don’t exist in the same way as the people around me for the longest time

    The only work around I’ve found but that comes with other issues 😎😎😎