joever joever joever joever

      • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
        7 months ago

        They'll get way more than that. They haven't even finished counting up the counties with the largest Arab-American populations yet.

        • micnd90 [he/him,any]
          7 months ago

          Only 4% votes counted in Wayne County (Detroit and Dearborn) - also the county with most people in Michigan. So far our guy Uncommitted is at 24% in Wayne County

          • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Could be the precincts returning are more uncommitted right now or Biden could be in that much trouble. I'm hoping for the latter.

            • micnd90 [he/him,any]
              7 months ago


              Our guy *Uncommitted is beating Joever Biden 75% to 24% in Dearborn

              • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
                7 months ago

                Amazing. This is going to be the farce to 1968's tragedy isn't it. I mean they're having the convention in Chicago again for Christ's sake.

    • micnd90 [he/him,any]
      7 months ago

      Yeah, the organizers were either hoping for >11k (because Trump won Michigan by 11k votes) or >15%


      The group, largely relying on grassroots efforts like phone banking and small rallies, has mainly utilized word of mouth to spread their message about uncommitted votes, picking up some notable endorsements along the way.

      They hope at least 10,000 people will vote uncommitted on Tuesday, a nod to Trump's 10,700-vote victory margin in 2016 -- though still less than what the uncommitted option has gotten in the last three Democratic primaries.

      More optimistically, some supporters would like to see them hit 15% of the total primary vote. At least some delegates at the Democratic National Convention this summer wouldn't be pledged to Biden if the uncommitted option hits that threshold -- which would give Listen to Michigan a better chance to have their platform heard come August.

      We now at 22k votes and 15% (1 uncommitted delegate at the convention)

      • edge [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I feel like the better goal would be 150k, about how much Biden beat Trump by. But if the current percentages don’t change much they’ll fall a little shy of that. Still enough to show that there’s a very good chance of Biden losing, but > Biden’s 2020 margin would’ve been a very clear nail in the coffin for his chances in Michigan.

        Also as far as I can tell there’s still a decent chance they’ll fall just shy of 15% as well.