• GinAndJuche
      7 months ago

      With his benzo habit, I’m looking forward to him becoming an anti woke SoundCloud rapper with a supervillain Schtick. He can team up with the cosplayer who designed captain ancap.

      • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
        7 months ago

        JP becoming right wing MF Doom is both so stupid it couldn't ever happen and so stupid it's the only thing that could happen next.

        • GinAndJuche
          7 months ago

          It would be so fucking funny, he could be a villain with a power to clean rooms (as a metaphor for society, his tragic failing being unable to become clean himself.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        7 months ago

        Who thought the name Captain Ancap was any good in the first place? Say that out out. It's a syllabic palindrome and just feels bad to say and sounds worse. Which is appropriate but like Ancapman. NAPtain Ancap would be at least sorta clever and give him a characteristic.

        • GinAndJuche
          7 months ago

          I thought palindromes were good because it allows the reader to assume it was planned

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            7 months ago

            I'm also gonna use this as a chance to post my favorite real palindromes:

            "Go deliver a dare vile dog"

            "Borrow or rob"

            "Egad alas a salad age"

            "Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo"

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            7 months ago

            Syllabic palindromes are usually the opposite. They're generally tongue twisters to a point and always sound awkward.

            • GinAndJuche
              7 months ago

              The intentionality though, it displays creative use of language

              • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                7 months ago

                It's pretty much always by accident if it's that awkward out loud. Especially in this case as a Superhero name. If you're making up a Superhero shouting "never fear (name) is here!" is a good test. If it sounds bad maybe change it

                • GinAndJuche
                  7 months ago

                  Superheroes are from a written format though

                  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                    7 months ago

                    So is poetry, how words sound should stipple be considered in your writing. I didn't read Captain Ancap literally out loud, it sounded awkward in my head.

                    • GinAndJuche
                      7 months ago

                      Huh, the hard c into c gave it a symmetry my brain found pleasing despite the meaning. It rolls into itself.

                        • GinAndJuche
                          7 months ago

                          The an in captain is pronounced different tho, it’s not capt-an

                          Or am I pronouncing the an in ancap harder with the a than I should?

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        7 months ago

        "Captain Ancap and Doctor Benzo" would be a good capeshit franchise.