Hang out. Chat. Talk about what's going on. Have fun :3

  • SnowySkyes [she/her]
    4 months ago


    I am having a great weekend thus far! It's been a nice, chill one and I've had a decent amount of fun. I hope the same for you, aside from the obvious mind you. If not, be sure to take care of yourself, comrade.

    And you made me aware that I should probably be more cognizant of what I post here. I need to stop trauma dumping. =w=

      • SnowySkyes [she/her]
        4 months ago

        Yeah. I can somewhat understand that. It's good to see you're doing well and everything and have come out on the other side of that in a positive light. That's genuinely very important, so awesome stuff :3

        I try not to. I'm almost certain I have bipolar disorder and I think a lot of my trauma dumping is just kinda me being off so to speak. Even then, lately it was stuff about my one partner, so it's definitely not needed here. I really should get diagnosed after my surgeries.