I'm too headache to think about this rn but its uhhhhh dunk-worthy if anyone wants to get in there

  • RedWizard [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I sometimes wish there was a thread diffing tool or something, where I could open a thread and see all federated comments, and show which ones were federated with a given instance and which ones were not.

    • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
      3 months ago

      If you only want to compare 2 instances, that'd be an easy tool to write and/or integrate into a client.

      • RedWizard [he/him]
        3 months ago

        That's true actually because the instances do all the heavy lifting of federation. You would just need to query both instances for the list of comments and then render them in a single page. There are plenty of possibilities for data visualization here. It would be interesting to see, for example, where votes are coming from on a given post or comment. Or get an idea more generally of which instances are interacting with posts originate from your instance.