I step out of Hexbear and into another instance for once and immediately get this shit lmao

I was letting off some steam about how sick and tired I am about working a shit job to make some asshole rich, and I made an off hand remark about how my employer probably belongs in a gulag. Further down the reply chain, this lemmitor asshole shows up to send me a whole tirade full of faux concern, breaking out the psychoanalysis to say I'm just an extremist full of unjustified hatred because I must be a bitter loser. Somehow they come up with this nuclear hot take comparing my anger at the capitalist class to a Christian fundamentalist hating gay people.

But the fucking cherry on the top here is sending me this comment as their very first interaction with me and proceeding to instantly block me to deny me the chance to reply at all. I've seen others use the block feature as a means of getting the last word in, but never to get both the first and last word in at the same time. And in the end, this self-unaware lib ends up calling me the overly self righteous one. Perfect.

Tbh, what gets me is that they were so fucking close to getting it. They almost came to an accurate understanding of the fact that my material conditions as a poor person getting fucked over day in and day out by my employer stealing my labor will heavily inform my politics. But of course they never quite reach that point, instead bizarrely veering off into psychologizing me, and acting like this is all just some sort of character flaw on my part.

Rule one: https://hexbear.net/comment/4738025

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    I want people living in communism for so long that suggesting a return to capitalism will be so confusing they interpret it as a bizarre crank leftist ideology. I want them to believe communism is simply basic existence. I want them to not even fathom an alternative. I want the phrase "business owner" to sound exactly like "feudal fiefdom" to the average person, and I mean exactly like how an average person would hear those words. I want it to sound like academic nerd shit that no one cares about.

    I want communism to be so boring that the average person has no words for it, doesn't think about it, and interprets previous societies through a Marxist lens without even knowing that's what they're doing. And I want them to be terrible at it. I want them to sound like little baby goofballs who've never read theory in their lives. I want them to say things like "who was party leader of the American Soviet during the first civil war? Oh, right. Abe Lincoln." I want them to neither understand nor care about the distinction between capitalism and their then current communism, because I don't want them to even know what either are. If capitalism is explained to them I want them to literally not understand what a business is, what property ownership entails, or what things like a mortgage means.

    I want dull, bored, communist people who only half paid attention in school. Even if they somehow develop a crank interest in capitalism I want them to completely misunderstand what it is and lack any power to enact it. I want them to be like modern day monarchists, fulfilling their stupid fantasies in Paradox map games.

    • Krem [he/him, they/them]
      10 months ago

      reminds me of how in the Dispossessed there is some very important professor on the capitalist planet explaining profit and shares and liquidity, and the main character starts zoning out because it's like someone trying to retell a particularly boring nonsense dream in extreme detail