When asked: Would you have said the same thing during the civil rights movement?

He replied: "What a ridiculous and self-serving oversimplification to imply the civil rights movement was successful because people stood in the street. It's very simple, just get out of the road"

Here's the link to the video clips.

He also said this:

"What gives you the unique moral authority to break the law because of what you believe in?... It's narcissistic and entitled. That's insane. It's like these people think the world revolved around their issue..."

The pic is just a pic I found of him.

Edit: Also, if people think he doesn't matter, he's literally more popular than Hasan, especially when it comes to gaming shit.

  • AcidLeaves [he/him, he/him]
    2 months ago

    Edit: Also, if people think he doesn't matter, he's literally more popular than Hasan, especially when it comes to gaming shit.

    I hate to break it to you but people who watch Asmongold or Hasan and actually get their political views from them are unlikely to actually participate in any politics IRL imo

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      2 months ago

      Hasan fundraised for Palestine back in October, raising $1.2m (in addition to doing the same for the earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria earlier in the year).

      His merch line, unlike that of other online creators, is not only union-made, but goes on to support strike-funds.

      He was also the single biggest donor to the Amazon Labor Union, and was introduced (and praised) by Chris Smalls at a union event.

      And you have multiple instances of individuals in the real world not only getting inspired to join unions and leftist orgs due to Hasan, but succeeding in creating unions - three examples - Waymo, YDSA, Chipotle - all of which directly cite Hasan.

      He's also, of course, gone to multiple strikes/protests/movements and interviewed organizers from them, like during the SAG-WGA strikes, or just recently when he interviewed the organizers of the Columbia student protests. Everything I've listed here is just stuff I remembered and then tried to provide a link for to back up my claims - there's probably so much I've forgotten.

      Internet culture and its effect, especially the power of microcelebrity, on the real world is here, my friend, whether you like it or not. Hasan is one of the few people who seems to use it for good, progressive causes. You will find people in the real world who know him.

      • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        There is a very real difference between someone using their platform to advance and support causes we share and support ourselves, and thinking that watching a twitch streamer is akin to any political action. Thanks for the receipts on his work and to show that he doesn't stop at being an entertainer, but it's important to recognize that he is but a (very large) communication channel, and no substitute for organizing, something Hasan already does.

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      Is this based on the stereotypical twitch/YT is bad trope only?

      Hasan actualy at least pretends to touch grass and actualy goes to support unions strikes and protests. He is not perfect by any means, on the contrary.

      But Gamers(the ones who unironicaly watch and care about Asmonshit) in general do not realy overlap with Hasan viewership as much as you'd think. Also you'd be surprised how many people get banned/troll Hasan on his chat by attacking him from the left on China/Russia too. He is definitely a very relevant start of the lib to "socialist" pipeline for better or worse.

    • dead [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Along with with what other people said. Students at the Columbia University protests reached out to Hasan this week. He interviewed student organizers from the protest on his stream.


    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      I do at least hope Hasan watchers would find orgs to donate to as they've done in the past, still though it's very true that online politics is only a small drop in actual political debate that occurs outside