Sure is interesting how someone with supposedly left-wing views has the exact same suppositions and assumptions about the "conflict" as a West Bank settler.

Palestinians rallying behind Hamas and the October 7th attack is damning evidence of them all being jew-hating religious fanatics who want to declare sharia; same thing with any protestors who may sympathize. Nothing on the status quo before, nothing on the current genocide the IDF has been carrying out with utmost glee and shamelessness, nothing about the impending humanitarian crisis to result from a Rafah invasion (even worse than the one happening now), nothing about the current leadership of Israel making their intentions clear, nothing (honest) about the current protests beyond some bad attempts at gaslighting them into being "antisemitic" ("someone said settlers should go back where they came from, the horror!"). Just crocodile tears to excuse themselves into getting on the same side of the barricade as Joe Biden, Netanyahu, and the "Back the Blue" MAGAts.

Beware the "moderate", folks. malcolm-checks


  • Babs [she/her]
    5 months ago
    1. Do you support capitalism?

    No, of course not! I think that the ultrawealthy should pay their fair share of taxes.

    1. Do you support reactionary thought?

    Like Donald "Orange Man" Drumph? Lol of course not. I'm not an authoritarian!

    1. Do you support imperialism and genocide?

    Never! I oppose Russia's eternal imperialism against Ukraine, and Chinas genocide against the Uyghurs.

    Yeah no, it feels like we're so far gone that liberals won't even agree to the same definitions of very key concepts.