• Rom [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Biden isnt ever getting tough on Israel, and if Democrats wanted to win this election they would have backed someone with a different platform.

    If Biden supporters were soo scared of Trump winning they would have pressed for a primary with alternative candidates, or at the very least called for Biden to reverse his positions on key issues. [-1]

    That's a lot of words to say "nyet" [+7]

    You dare to criticize our genocidal warmonger? What time is it in Moscow, comrade?

      • Rom [he/him]
        5 months ago

        Holy fuck reddit-logo's comment collapsing bullshit is such a fucking nightmare to navigate and ctrl+f for a comment in a busy thread, jesus christ. Have to click a million tiny ass [+] and god forbid if I accidentally click two pixels too far to the right and hit the username instead. Here it is tho.
