Marking this NSFW because it's extremely online.

Context: Mr Pepperoni (d*stiny) said the n-word on his podcast like 3 days ago. SeanDaBlack watches the clip on his twitch stream and says "this is why we should have killed slave owners". Clip is posted on reddit and now on the front page. Reddit is mad about SeanDaBlack saying we should have killed slave owners and not mad at d*stiny for saying the n-word.

SeanDaBlack is a leftist and friend of Hasanabi. SeanDaBlack gained popularity online when he programmed a bot which spams anti-abortion websites with fake info (extremely cool).

Reasons that I'm posting this: 1) advocating to kill slave owners is the same reason /r/cth was banned. 2) it's on the front page of /r/all 3) figures like Brianna Wu are now posting the clip on twitter.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    1 month ago

    Reddit: The death penalty for teenagers who were peripherally involved in gun violence is cool and good.

    Also reddit: The death penalty for serial killers who own slaves is uncivil and many steps too far

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      1 month ago

      Redditors: Drumpf did treason, everyone on January 6th must be executed for being traitorous

      Also Redditors: Leading a revolt against their country that resulted in civil war and hundreds of thousands of deaths shouldn’t be punished. They are just innocent smol beans

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        1 month ago

        Redditors in 1918: Who cares if millions of our German boys are dead and we're all starving under the British blockade? You can't revolt against the Kaiser. It's against the law!