I keep seeing this online and in person. I don't know how to respond

  • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
    30 days ago

    You can link to this article from an israeli outlet about how Israel uses AI to decide who they deem Hamas and not and where army officials admit that they don't give a fuck about the lives of those "human shields". Also you can link to the followup where it's revealed that they have a different algorithm that highlights when the supposed Hamas militants arrive home so they can be bombed with their families (and other "human shields" who happen to live there). And then ask if there is such a huge and scary tunnel system that apparently lies exclusively under hospitals and schools, why is Hamas still active after all these have been destroyed. And then you can point out the hypocrisy of them not giving a shit about the supposed "human shields", they just don't want to see Israel being held accountable for the genocide they're doing.

    Or PPB. PPB will do.