
  • sneak100 [she/her]
    25 days ago

    is it only "bizarre" because it's japan? because you can't convince me this is any more strange than gamer girl bath water

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      25 days ago

      Restaurants promote armpit technique, allow customers in kitchen to watch

      is being proudly promoted in some high-end establishments

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        25 days ago

        Restaurants promote armpit technique, allow customers in kitchen to watch

        Truly the worst part of this. Imagine working in a kitchen and having the customers watch and complain.

      • sneak100 [she/her]
        25 days ago

        no doubt, but I'm always suspicious of "japan weird" stories, because they appeal to the very white supremacist refusal to understand any culture that isn't their own in any meaningful depth, and to instead point and jeer ar it

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          25 days ago

          They're racist because they always cast the out group (Japan) as homogeneously holding the same opinions and preferences whereas Westoids are presented as individuals.

          "Japan's" armpit rice balls vs "Belle Delphine's" gamer girl bathwater.