"two types of communists exist"

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
    27 days ago

    the one on the right is an ancient succdem with the most milquetoast lib takes imaginable. Knowledgable about Marx but somehow comes to the conclusion that the best leftist solution is to support the DNC and vote for Biden. Loves to flex his past political work from before you were even born when losing an argument. Also really into Pete Seeger.

    the one on the left is entirely educated by twitter memes and has the most deranged twitter-brained takes imaginable. Can't hold a conversation unless it's about the daily twitter drama. References extremely obscure memes irl that no one understands which prompt a 20 minute lecture about whatever was being referenced. Also keeps trying to get you to watch anime (I never will).

    Both get into extremely heated arguments with each other on the DSA group chat over obscure inconsequential topics that force you to mute the chat for two days because your phone is buzzing every five seconds at work and you now have over 500 notifications.

    • Stolen_Stolen_Valor [any]
      27 days ago

      I hate them both I think to myself, not because they are annoying but because they are both infinitely more interesting people than me. The final thought I have as I silence my phone before the standup meeting at my software job with 20 other white dudes who are interchangeable with myself.

    • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her]
      27 days ago

      ??? The fuck are you even talking about, the person on the left is literally Hatsune Miku

      • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
        27 days ago

        okay what's it called when you learn about something and then you start seeing it everywhere? Cause I s2g that's what's happening with Hatsune Miku. Someone told me who that was earlier this year and now everyone seems to be referencing it to me.

        • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her]
          27 days ago

          Hatsune Miku got back its popularity a few years ago, she's the default person nowadays

    • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
      27 days ago

      the one on the right is an ancient succdem with the most milquetoast lib takes imaginable. Knowledgable about Marx but somehow comes to the conclusion that the best leftist solution is to support the DNC and vote for Biden

      The guy on the right lives in Saint Petersburg (look at the subway map). I don't think he knows what DNC is.