Also who's your pick for winner of the arbitrary 4-way american civil war? Personally I'm hoping for the West, but I'm worried Northeast might sneak victory in when nobody's looking
Also who's your pick for winner of the arbitrary 4-way american civil war? Personally I'm hoping for the West, but I'm worried Northeast might sneak victory in when nobody's looking
The west could hold the mountain passes and remain independent if they don't win the whole thing.
Texas is fucked after one of its biannual electrical crashes so they'll be in play for like six months tops and then be a burden for whoever allies with them. Eventually Mexico takes it back.
The south continues their Civil War losing streak. The villages in Florida look like a charnel house after 2 weeks.
The north east loses Maine to Canada and maybe loses the war but nobody wants to occupy it after.
inb4 the northeast becomes a collection of city-states? 🤔
Philly will be too busy bullying it's neighbors to become a regional power
Jersey City changes its name to Giorzzi and completes its Italofication.
Ireland invades and razes Boston to put an end to its shenanigans once and for all.