
All this person did was post a basic criticism of Oliver and now everyone is undeservedly dunking on them for it.

  • Walk_On [he/him]
    10 days ago

    So calling out Oliver for not talking about capitalism is being media illiterate? lol


    • Stoatmilk [he/him]
      9 days ago

      "Media illiteracy" is quickly becoming one of the three or so rotating concepts twitter uses to explain every phenomenon until it loses all meaning

      • AndJusticeForAll [none/use name]
        9 days ago

        It's annoying how this keeps happening to ideas. It'd be cool if someone could trace the lineage of: new, accurate critique of the world -> critique's general proliferation and linguistic adoption because of its truth -> low-tier orbiters using critique incorrectly as an insta-win argument online, losing its original meaning.

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      9 days ago

      This is so fucking stupid lmao. Criticizing America's politics without saying capitalism bad is exactly what the state wants. To the people living in America, neoliberalism is an invisible ideology. Not pointing it out is flailing in the dark, not pointing it out on purpose makes you their tool.

    • hello_hello [they/them, comrade/them]
      9 days ago

      Read theory!

      "No, Imma just watch late night hosts"

      Also John Oliver's jokes are mostly unfunny crass yelling at the audience/screen and just relies on the irony poisoning of living in a capitalist society. Every hexbear on this site is funnier than John Oliver, even our beanis comrades.

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      9 days ago

      John Oliver is the only late night host who criticizes the Democratic Party from a left wing viewpoint and does criticize capitalism, he just does it without saying 'capitalism bad' upfront all the time. you are just media illiterate

      This is literally the point of the meme lol. How do you call someone else illiterate and then regurgitate their exact point except make it more annoying and long winded as if it’s a gotcha