• ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 days ago

      Uh, I am a funny autist, I had no regard for any risk to me as a result of coming out or whatever. I was a very willful child and very lucky as well.

      The primary reason though is that he/him pronouns are mind poison and make me wanna die every time bocchi-cry I came out a year before I got on estrogen, but there was also a couple of months where I was on spironolactone, but not estrogen, and was still fulltime.

      But the bigger question to me is, why not? Why wait till estrogen to get gendered properly? Sure, I didn't really feel that I looked femme before estrogen, but people are happy to respect your identity and pronouns regardless, and being she/her feels good.

      • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
        2 days ago

        No that makes sense, I'm not a fan of he/him either and I'm glad you are around such supportive people.

        I feel like I'll just struggle with coming out in general and I feel especially weird about hormones/how I'm looking distress

        • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
          2 days ago

          Well you're allowed to go your own pace and do what makes you comfortable cat-trans

          If I may, especially weird howso? (If I may not, no pressure)

          • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
            2 days ago
            outdated/cis views of gender and being trans

            Its hard to explain, but I guess I don't/won't see myself as a woman until I start presenting that way/passing (which will probably involve hrt and maybe I won't even then but I'll try not to get too doomer on something I haven't even started). I don't know, I just feel like I'm a guy who wants to be a girl, not necessarily a girl trapped in a guy's body (although I am trapped in this body). I'm probably not making sense. But I won't see myself as a woman until I get out of this guy body. And I feel like a lot of trans people do view themselves that way, as being the gender they want to be before transitioning.

            I guess in general I feel like how I look (body/presentation) and am perceived is my gender, not what I wish I was. What I wish I was is just that, what I want. Not what I am.

            • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
              2 days ago
              ooh spicy

              That's sort of a thorny cross-section of personal views on gender with the facts of gender itself, I suppose... On the one hand, it's true that many binary trans people do view it that way, and like, if you don't "feel" like a girl yet (even though you know you are, or I guess want to be) that's down to you, I think. But it's also like, just because your body does not align with your actual gender doesn't make you not that gender, or less deserving to be addressed as such.

              I will say though, I find the phrase "get out of this guy body" a little funny; you will be heavily modifying that body to suit you, to be more comfortable and happy anya-heh

              Again, I understand not feeling like that yet, like it's just what you want and not what you are, but your physical form and presentation do not determine your gender, people's perception sure as hell does not determine your gender. That would be bad news for our boymoding comrades bocchi-cry

              • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
                2 days ago
                spoiler + dysphoria

                I'm a little surprised other people view it this way, it felt like I was alone in that.

                just because your body does not align with your actual gender doesn't make you not that gender

                I just don't feel it, at least not now/yet. It feels so weird to say I'm a woman when I'm so... unwomanly.

                Right now I wish I could just climb out of this corpse, but yea the best I can get is retrofitting it to be less bad.

                I know it would be, and obviously I completely respect whatever feels best for other people.

                • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
                  2 days ago

                  It used to be the default way, all this other cool and funny stuff is relatively new.

                  Well like I say, how you feel about your own gender is down to you, you're allowed to feel and be however about it. You don't "have to" say you're anything ✨

                  "I want to climb out of this corpse" also not an uncommon sentiment meow-hug

                  Lol I know I was just goofin, mb

        • magi [she/her, they/them]
          2 days ago

          When you're ready you will, no rush and try not to be hard on yourself if you aren't ready vivian-shrug

      • magi [she/her, they/them]
        2 days ago

        I went full time the day I took my first E. But realistically I could have went full time years before hand, I had boobs and hips all I would have needed was to grow my hair out again emilie-shrug