I ask this in good faith, and I do not mean to bring about struggle sessions with this question (keep it civil, please :). I'm writing a sort of mini-essay on a certain topic (Edit: not anymore, I lost my writing appetite), and veganism fits into that topic (I'm keeping it vague because I'll probably post it here and I don't want to spoil the whole thing). If people are on the fence and others want to know more about what Veganism is and why they should consume in that way, I would be grateful if others more experienced and well-read on the subject could provide resources or counter-reasons. I feel like a lot of the things I believed before going vegan turned out to be misconceptions, and it doesn't hurt to be more educated on a subject, right?

Edit: I need to take a break from the internet again, if my brain wasn't fried already it is now (not anything any of you started, I brought this upon myself)

  • MaeBorowski [she/her]
    4 天前

    I am vegan. These threads always genuinely upset me because I see so many supposed comrades making the exact same arguments justifying carnism that we constantly lampoon liberals for making to justify capitalism and even genocide.

    At this point, I am no longer surprised by the kind of arguments liberals make that are so openly and obviously self-serving but at the same time totally lacking self-awareness. But it is still shocking to me when communists who have seen through so many other lies do the exact same shit. I know we can't expect "purity" and everyone is going to disagree with anyone else on something, but to me, this is akin to finding a group of people who are righteously anti-racist, anti-capitalist, stand up for the rights of BIPOC, and organize to feed homeless people but then turn out to be massive TERFs who would be happy if I were murdered. I just can't. It absolutely wrecks any sense of solidarity I had.

    • solongbeengood [he/him]
      4 天前

      Definitely felt the same. A lot of the same arguments you’d see on the front page of reddit when veganism gets mentioned.

    • Aradina [She/They]@lemmy.ml
      4 天前

      I'm slightly sympathetic, because carnism brainworms are deeply ingrained in us all from birth. I used to eat meat, I used to have some chuddy opinions on veganism. I've been there. most vegans have been there, but the way "leftists" just regurgitate this shit tries my patience.

      I think that deep down it comes from a place of knowing vegans are right, and trying to avoid agreeing because that means you're an active participant in a horrible crime, and have been your entire life.