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  • Dessa [she/her]
    3 months ago

    Everyone is saying "There arent enough of us" is missing the forest for the trees. We would grow rapidly if we actually were actually able to seed in this environment. Small things can grow very rapidly. What prevents us from getting anywhere is an institutional hydra.

    First, theres the balloting process, specifically designed to make it difficult for third parties to get on a ballot. You need to collect enough signatures quite far in advance and avoid random, idiosyncratic legal landmines not to be disqualified. The major parties will sue you if you seem lile a threat and it will cost money to beat them.

    Money that you do not have. Getting public money is not easy, and if you manage it anyhow, you're getting a tiny fraction of what the major parties have.

    The major parties will use this money to spam ads, to bribe, to host dinner parties with powerful people, to host town halls and other events.

    Media is owned by corpos that support the two major parties,and they will shun you. You won't get debate time, or if you do, you'll get less time to speak. They'll hire bots to talk shit about you and plant flase narratives that take root through the power of sheer money and institutional support. If youll recall when it was discovered that the DNC colluded with media to counter Sanders, they arrested the guy that leaked it and turned the whole story into "who snitched." The actual wrongdoing was completely fucking erased and replaced with Russiagate.

    Trying to go truther on Russiagate or any number of factual things immediately marginalizes you and gets you blacklisted from trad media and even social media sometimes.

    If you get too radical, the FBI and Homeland Security might plant an agent in your party to sow seeds of division -- US intelligence services are the best in the world at fucking over leftists. The Black Panthers were on the up and up and Hampton still got murdered.

    This is not a fair system of elections. Trying to make gains via that system is like trying to walk through the front door of the white house without permission. Elections are their fortresses and they guard the front gate.

    Maybe that’s why the bourgeoisie are not afraid of the left at all.

    The bourgeioisie are afraid of the left. Thats why they have to work so hard to suppress it. That's why they're building cop city and driving tanks into college campuses. You don't need all this to fight something you don't fear