GOD WHAT A WEEK YALL! how are you all processing everything? i ping-pong back and forth between irony-poisoned ecstasy, and doom spiraling. my grandma is PISSED the shooter missed. anyway come joke, vent, discuss. em poc only.

  • homhom9000 [she/her]
    2 months ago

    Strange time to be a Black woman when there's a Black woman being propped up as a presidential candidate. White liberals telling me to suck it up, Black liberals telling me she's secretly a really good person so suck it up, and I don't have a fight in me to refute either of them. I'll just say, who I'm voting for has not changed and leave it at that.

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      2 months ago

      It sure is going to make for some interesting conversations the next few months. This whole time I've been telling people I'm not voting for anyone, so I wonder how they'll react if I still say that.