I watched the entire video, but I timestamped the link to where I believe it matters most for any comrade that ever liked Star Trek, liberal idealistic and quasi-militaristic flaws and all, and would like to see a succinct and thorough summary of what they might have already felt, may have already inductively collected for themselves, but got it drowned out by "well the TNG gang got together by the end of Picard Season 3 so just enjoy it like a popcorn movie, 4/5" or even worse brainworms like "section 31 is based and it's just cold hard reality that such an agency would have to exist for the Federation to exist, just like in based Deep Space 9 which was totally about wars and genocidal biowarfare plots and how cool and necessary they are."

The Trek fandom site in the Lemmyverse is loaded with insufferable liberal/libertarian brainworms and a fair amount of Thermian Arguments that justify anything that was presented on screen as not only good, but necessary if they were done by protagonist characters, and not just the flaws, weaknesses, and (for lack of a better term) sins of characters that weren't intended to be infallible, let alone blindly emulated, no matter how cool it was when Sisko punched Q or whatever.

TL;DR: I hope comrades find value in this concluding section of a much larger video, or maybe even watch the whole thing, which I also think is worthwhile. Also, I fucking despise Section 31 apologists because they make the Lemmyverse's Trek site unbearable for me. If Kurtzman gets his way (especially with that Section 31 series he keeps jerking off about), Trek will become increasingly murderfucky gory edgy black ops obsessed bootlicking schlock with a vague and redundant nostalgia flavor.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    27 days ago

    Lotr? Peter Jackson made a Lord of the Rings movie. Then, idk, hbo or whoever said "well that made a lot of money let's drop the orcs, add a lot of sexual violence, and make our own pastiche of Jackson's movie and we got gambo.

    I remember that Gambo was once directly marketed as exactly that: "this is Lord of the Rings except for GROWN-UPS." Insulting Tolkein's work that way put me off from the very start and then I had to keep hearing about the very mature murderfucking for like a decade after because cultural saturation.

    But what's this war of rohan anime? That's the most boring fucking thing in all of lotr and i 100% gaurantee you that the tolkien estate gave it to them because they thought "there's nothing here for you to desecrate give us the check".

    I was so bored watching the trailer that I didn't even complete the trailer. It was so... uninspired. Rankin/Bass did it better decades ago with more heart.

    Idk what else is even happening out there, i very rarely watch tv shows and i've seen little to make me regret that lately.

    I'm the same way. I guess I'm waiting for the next and final season of Lower Decks before Kurtzman finally "Section 31s" away my remaining love for Trek.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      27 days ago

      Christ, right?i read gambo years before the show, got to the end at that time, and moved on. And then the show happened and i started re-reading it and was like "this is all miserable, all these people are horrible, only bad horrible things happen. Nooooooope" and put it down. All i remember about the show is that the armor looked awful. But i still got to hear about it for years while being unable to participate in any conversations because ir ead the books and knew what happened next! it was agony!

      I'm glad we got lower decks. At least some group of artists out there "got" it.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        26 days ago

        this is all miserable, all these people are horrible, only bad horrible things happen.

        Years ago, before the show officially shit the bed, when I so much as expressed dislike for that "everything sucks, everyone sucks, everything's smeared with shit and everyone left alive with any agency is an asshole" setting I got back "heh, not everything can be sunshine and rainbows, snowflake. Not everything can be a morality play, either."


        One of the few timelines I can think of that'd be even more clownish than this one would be where the "D&D" trust fund sexpests had Star Trek fall into their laps instead of Gambo. agony-4horsemen

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          25 days ago

          : p

          Yeah i would not want to see their star trek. JJ's Star Trek was bad enough.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            25 days ago

            Kurtzman's long wet dream of making some "Section 31" production, so I hear, may finally happen in movie form.

            I hope it crashes and burns like most of his giggly edgelord trash. There's definitely still a market for grimdark hog slop, but he tends to be too pretentiously liberal and inclusive in his murderfucking to court enough hogs to the slop trough.