• GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    13 hours ago

    I agree it does benefit the dog that way, but that is only because you're also keeping a dog indoors more than it probably wants to for your own convenience which I figure kinda evens it out. I guess I also assumed the owner would clean up the indoor dog shit cause they would have to live with the same pile

    • booty [he/him]
      13 hours ago

      Ah, I see where the disconnect was then. Obviously I have never seen dogs that weren't trained to poop outside except in neglectful households where they were abused in various other ways at the same time. I very much associate refusing to train a dog to poop outside with neglect and carelessness and so the image in my head was of someone who just doesn't pay attention to what the dog does at all (maybe the dog is locked in a seldom used room or it's a hoarder house where some extra poop pretty much just goes unnoticed)

      I see what you're getting at now, if you clean up the poop then yeah that's more convenient for the dog, and the only upside then to training it to poop outside is for you and not the dog. You're right.

      Also sorry for the tone of my previous comment, that was pretty cringe yikes-1

        • booty [he/him]
          12 hours ago

          You know, when I see a struggle session thread I just keep on scrolling because it's never worth it. I don't usually say controversial things at all because, again, not worth it. But this place is usually cool enough that I often forget that basic vegan criticisms of obvious animal abuse are considered controversial here and will instantly turn even the otherwise coolest users into your shitty uncle in his f150

          It isn't worth it

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            12 hours ago

            Thanks for saying I'm cool, but like, same. We use the term Dehumanization for the most awful treatment of people and the word implicitly applies that treating non humans terribly is fine. Animal abuse is disturbingly ingrained in people and as long as we continue a mechanized genocide on animals for our own carnal pleasure we will never be good enough to have the control over the earth that we do.