Hi Chapos throwaway for obvious reasons.

I’ve managed to buy an apartment, two bedrooms. I live in it, but I rent the other room out. Is it unethical for me to hide that I’m the owner?

I don’t really lie-lie, like if I’m asked straight up I’ll answer, but I’ll avoid it if possible.

It’s mostly because it creates an odd power dynamic and I’d rather have a flatmate than a tenant if that makes sense.

Reason I bought is I don’t want to deal with landlords, obviously.

Do I get the wall?

  • Lerios [hy/hym]
    3 days ago

    idk. a friend of mine is trying to buy a house soon and he, i, and another friend will be splitting the mortage costs 3 ways. it will be his house at the end of it and he does feel pretty bad about that, but also we'll be paying less to him than we would otherwise renting anywhere else, so yes technically it is landlording and technically we are getting less than him, but also we're better off living with him than we would be otherwise so no one's getting hurt. i feel like situations like this are relatively normal and chill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    i would say probably let the other person know tho. if only because it probably will come out eventually just for practical reasons, and you'll look kind of dickish for hiding that. sure, you know you have good intentions, but your roommate doesn't