This generation of corporations and entrepeneurs are a bunch of bums. No one wants to hire anymore, all they know is stock buybacks, layoffs, automation, and lie.
This generation of corporations and entrepeneurs are a bunch of bums. No one wants to hire anymore, all they know is stock buybacks, layoffs, automation, and lie.
All they do is talk about woke. These lazy thugs don’t want to train anyone anymore, they want free money. Just want an experienced worker to land on their laps and hold their hands to do something useful.
Using AI to read the tens of thousands of resumes submitted by applicants who used AI to write them.
Then entirely outsourcing your HR to a call center in the Philippines. And outsourcing your IT to India. And outsourcing finance to some tech startup. And selling the IP to a cutout in Ireland and renting it back so you can off-shore your profits.
By the end, its not even clear what business you're in. You're just a generic middle man.
most rational economic system ever devised
There's a reason I like referring to non-Marxist economists as "the high priests of capital" and its because it's a bunch of fictitious bullshit. Hey the moon is angry, the
acorn harveststock prices will fall earlier this yearPretty much. Whether they agree with it or not, Marxist analysis is the logical next step/continuation to the works of the classical liberal economists. Without being able to so much as acknowledge and take it into consideration, mainstream western economists are basically just a bunch of hucksters thinking up vibes and catchphrases to whitewash capitalism's natural descent back into the material equivalent of feudalism (which it never left for much of the world)
Well said
Permit me the digression but even when I was a kid I couldn't understand why the peripheral nations were like poor as shit despite us "leading the way." And when I asked why they seemed to have so much trouble "following our lead" invariably the answer involved some racism or cultural essentialism