• Bureaucrat
    1 day ago I think you just placed the @ at the wrong spot you gotta do it like this

    Anyway incredible quote. It's like arguing with a fundamentalist christian. There's no reasoning, it's just "well the theory says so". And they don't even understand it themselves.
    Like okay why does it say so?
    "That's just how it is."
    Okay why?
    "You just don't understand that's just how it is."
    Yeah I don't, why is it like that?
    "Because it is. That's just human nature."
    It isn't though.
    "It is in theory."
    Which one.
    "Mine, which is the correct one."
    On what reasoning?
    "The correct reasoning."

    I don't know if they did it like that, but the current doofus did.

      1 day ago

      I put it like that because it linked to an email instead of an account like normal, not sure what was going on there other than email formatting kicking in. Assumed he was banned.

      That's about correct when pushed on systems theory itself. Otherwise, he proceeded to make racist comments against Russians and then get banned for it.

      I think that's the primal lizard brain of most lemmitors, especially from; it all comes back to racism.