It's really the smallest thing, like, if anything you could make the argument its too symbolic; but overall it's just helpful. Considering we have a lot of trans users, I imagine (as a c*s male) that having people, even online, refer to you by your proper pronouns could really make you feel good. We aren't a fucking Nazi website ffs, we have a lot of trans comrades and it's both helpful and (in my cis opinion) probably good to have a community that supports you (trans people) by mandating pronoun usage. It might seem small, but to the stupidpol types i ask you this - imagine you live in some Southern hellhole, and no one in your family or school uses your prefered pronouns. Now imagine you find a space like this - it's probably going to make you feel just a tiny bit better about yourself at least, even if it's just strangers online - at least it's something, y'know?

Love to all my trans comrades

  • sailorfish [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Tbh as a cis woman I'm really happy about the mandatory pronouns too. Tons of people online stick to the generic "he" when talking about a user. It was always annoying when people on the old sub said something like "He has a point" or whatever. Each time I'd struggle between not wanting to make a big deal out of it by correcting them, but also wanting to push back against the idea that it's only brocialists on r/CTH. Plus it's cool to scroll down and see she/her and realise you're not the only woman commenting, particularly when there's something about sexism or feminism. It's made me less hesitant to push back against some stuff.