Just for fun, listen to the clip and guess if Matt makes the case for fascism in it.

For extra fun, read the replies

  • ProfessionalSlacker
    4 years ago

    It's that he's identified them as petite-bourgeois but seems to believe that they don't have class consciousness that is baffling to me. These people are completely aware that the state exists to serve their interests and their primary issue with the Biden victory is that its contingent on the working class having any say in politics at all. It's why they have people literally saying "why are the police shooting us, they are supposed to be shooting BLM" and wearing "Camp Auschwitz" shirts. He seems to want to depoliticize their motives because it would mean admitting that there is any daylight between the slow creep towards fascism under Democrats and the complete seizure of power for the capitalist class under these extremists, and when pressed on it he just starts shrieking at the camera that none of it matters and everyone needs to log off, like a baby throwing their toys out of the pram.

    • BasedGiraffe [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The petite-bourgeois doesn’t have class consciousness though, because if they did they would have gone to do this as a more concrete class movement, which this wasn’t even if the DC protests disproportionately made up of members of the petite-bourgeoisie.

      If they were conscious, they would have gone en masse with the explicit purpose of making more demands than keeping Trump in power. Even if they believe Trump is better for them, this still isn’t class consciousness because they would need to have an understanding of their actual class relation, not just “less regulation more good”.

      The pandemic decimated and swallowed huge numbers of petite-bourgeois small businesses and landlord operations, which will be scooped up by the bourgeoisie. These chuds have no fucking idea Trump’s management of the pandemic was more harmful to their class standing than Biden drooling behind Fauci would be.

      They have no idea what their actual class interests are. Just because the source of their (increasing and relative*) immiseration is distinct from the lower classes doesn’t mean they get it. These were reactionary hogs who wanted Trump as part of cultural domination, and were simply more petite-bourgeois because they had disproportionate access to travel to DC.

      They milled around like a class field trip only with approval from the police to have some fun. They’re not class conscious.

    • phimosis__jones [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The MAGA mob does not stand in opposition to or support of global finance capital, they represent the interests of assorted local notables and regional barons, the "beautiful boaters." Lots of large businesses have condemned the riots; the National Association of Manufacturers has even asked for Pence to depose Trump using the 25th amendment. A victory for the MAGA mob (assuming it would be possible) would merely be a victory of one type of capitalist over another, not the victory of capital writ large.

      • ProfessionalSlacker
        4 years ago

        I didn't say that Biden supports transfering power to the working class? I said that his victory is contingent on the working class having any say in politics, which is true: if bourgeois electoralism was purely in the hands of white landowners like it used to be, Biden would not have won.