actually wait, that sounds exactly like america

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    3 years ago

    Hey, the quarterback is usually white though. They are the smallball cognitive players who lead the team with grit and hustle and think about the field like a chess board, and other platitudes with racialized undertones

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This made me think about that word-cloud thing they made of football commentators' different comments on white and black players, and they found words like "athletic, explosive, fast, agile" were mostly black-aligned terms, and "smart, tough, hardworking, and strong" were more white-aligned terms.

      Or how in MMA whenever there's a black fighter Joe Rogan doesn't actually know about, he just flips on his "he's very explosive, but will he get tired" dialogue.

    • Lester_Peterson [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Unless the Quarterback is black, in which case they're "glorified running backs" with great athleticism, but who lack mental prowess and grit.

  • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    This title is almost identical to my grandfather's reasons for never watching football. Wild that some people are so racist they say something that almost makes sense, except that they're saying it for super racist reasons.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
    3 years ago

    weird take tbh

    Rugby is england's second most popular sport, and it's dominated by privately educated white guys.

  • SardoNardo [doe/deer]
    3 years ago

    Football is fun. Players seem to enjoy playing it. Head bashing has been much less prevalent the last few years.

    • DasKarlBarx [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      The largest CTE survey of dead former players had like 99.5% (if I recall correctly it was 199/200) of players with signs of CTE at their time of death. This is players from high school, college, and pro levels.

      Obviously it's just one observational study, but that's not a good baseline for the sport.

      Not passing judgements, though, for people who watch it. I played football through high school and still watch soccer which has its own problems with CTE.

    • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      With a few exceptions, football coaches tend to have played at a decently high level compared to the level they're coaching. Sports tend to be decent at choosing managers that have experience with the job itself. Front offices, on the other hand, are a different story.

        • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          Yeah, owners are almost exclusively billionaire shitheads (or the offspring of billionaire shitheads) who maybe played the sport in high school. Front office guys are a mix of owner failsons, former players (usually in the scouting and GM roles), and -- in the last 20 years or so -- basically finance/analyst guys.

          Coaches aren't in suits (at least not in American football) and are almost entirely guys who played at least in college.

        • sunlead [he/him]
          3 years ago

          The owner for the Florida Panthers is a little bitch, I know it's hockey but like I'm allowed to be salty about the logo change from cool panther to. "I served and will now change the logo to jerkoff to when I served by making it basically the airborne logo but with a panther :)"

    • SardoNardo [doe/deer]
      3 years ago

      Pretty much of every single one of those guys bossing players around with a headset played at at least the college level.

  • Mindfury [he/him]
    3 years ago

    but literally every smoothbrain american (but i repeat myself) now complains that "their sport" has now been taken over by black people?


  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I think it would be more fitting if a sport invented by the indigenous people of America became the most popular sport. Lacrosse is very popular at elite private schools, which is possibly even more disgusting.

    I was just reminded of the Supreme Court ruling on the remains of Jim Thorpe, possibly the greatest Olympic athlete of all time. It ruled in favor of a roadside attraction and against indigenous people, now that is the truly Amerikkkan thing to do. Did I mention this ruling was in 2015?

    Thorpe’s widow interrupted his traditional Indian burial ceremony and had his body taken away under police escort, eventually finding a small town in northeastern Pennsylvania that agreed to change its name to Jim Thorpe and build a roadside attraction in exchange for hosting his gravesite. But Thorpe’s two surviving sons, Richard and Bill Thorpe, have been trying ever since to have the body brought back and finish the burial ceremony, an elaborate ritual that lasts two days.