actually wait, that sounds exactly like america

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I think it would be more fitting if a sport invented by the indigenous people of America became the most popular sport. Lacrosse is very popular at elite private schools, which is possibly even more disgusting.

    I was just reminded of the Supreme Court ruling on the remains of Jim Thorpe, possibly the greatest Olympic athlete of all time. It ruled in favor of a roadside attraction and against indigenous people, now that is the truly Amerikkkan thing to do. Did I mention this ruling was in 2015?

    Thorpe’s widow interrupted his traditional Indian burial ceremony and had his body taken away under police escort, eventually finding a small town in northeastern Pennsylvania that agreed to change its name to Jim Thorpe and build a roadside attraction in exchange for hosting his gravesite. But Thorpe’s two surviving sons, Richard and Bill Thorpe, have been trying ever since to have the body brought back and finish the burial ceremony, an elaborate ritual that lasts two days.