If I want to read The Hill or the Center for Effective Lawmaking or whatever center-right think tank makes it to the top of c/politics I would watch MSNBC.

Stop with your “body language expert” tier horseshit and actually criticize these succdems from the left how fucking hard is that.

  • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    You're making negative inferences that go well beyond the words she's actually using. What is bad faith if it's not that?

    Say we make plans for tonight and you have to cancel late. You say something came up with your family so you can't make it. If I make a negative inference that goes beyond what you said -- maybe I assume you never wanted to hang out in the first place because you don't really like me -- that's treating your words in bad faith, right? You never said any of that.

    • Chomsky [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Who do you think class reductionism refers to if not Marxists? The folks that say we should take class seriously and that is the principal contradiction in society?

      Any marxists knows what she means because they have been called class reductionists dozens of times by anti Marxists.

      And you know what? She has every right to be anti marxist, and Marxists have every right to not be supportive of her politics, which to be honest I think are laregly irrelavent.

      • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        She has every right to be anti marxist, and Marxists have every right to not be supportive of her politics

        Do you not see how this mentality is poison? A guaranteed way to lose is a bunch of small leftist groups doing their own thing because of imagined slights.