Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    I'm heading back to melbs tm to moderate a fence dipsute at my p's place and I do not know what i'm looking at exactly.

    Can someone pls wish me luck :(

  • lemondrop@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    My friend had a baby last week and this week her appendix burst. No bueno. I'm making some meals to take to her fam; I've got a veg lasagne, meat sauce (to have with pasta or rice, or add beans and it's a chilli, burritos, etc.), and a pesto chicken pasta bake. Do you think that's a good spread? They have three boys (plus the beb).

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      Sounds pretty comprehensive. Maybe a Hello Fresh or Funky Food subscription or similar for a month to take the pain out of shopping might be a nice idea if within your budget. I think it more likely that your friend will need someone to run the washing machine and/or dishwasher every couple of days - time means more than money when you're stretched to the limit.

      • lemondrop@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        She has her husband at home for another month or two which will be a huge help, and her boys are old enough to help out (late primary/early high school). She's just asked for meals so far; I'm pretty sure there's a few of us doing it so they should be covered for a good while.

  • Nath@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Day 22/70: First day of week 4 weigh-in.
    Down 1.2kg. I weakened a couple of times this week and had chocolate and licorice. Nice that it hasn't killed my progress.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Urgh. I’m struggling with a sense of hopelessness. I try to help others but can’t seem to even help myself.

    I’m trying Moobeans on the new food to see if it can go in the rotation. She’s happily eating it and I’m glad to see it contains supplemental choline and taurine as well as ‘vitamins’.

    I still need to monitor her sensitive tummy and check out some finer details on salt/ash levels as it’s a cheap home brand which can have a poor track record and I otherwise wouldn’t buy. (I’m hoping that it’s one of the times the dry food is trash but the wet food is passable.)

    I’m kind of leaving my plants to do their thing with the occasional Seasol/water. Waiting to see if the spinach comes good or if damping off claims them all.

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    So I did something a bit bad this morning. An old dude was in the car wash bay before me. He only gave his car a rinse with the hose, then he hit stop and left. I drove in and saw it said he still had like $8 credit left so I was like "score" and started washing my car thinking he just overloaded it.

    Then as I finished I thought that $8 seemed to go a long way then noticed it hadn't stopped and it had kept adding time. After reading the sign it turns out the 'credit' was a $15 credit card hold and you can stop it anytime before that using the stop button on the card reader (not the stop button he used on the wash options) and it'll just charge you for the time you used with a minimum of $5. I hit the correct stop button so he wouldn't have his card drained but the damage was done.

    So he ended up paying $16 to rinse his car and also wash mine...

  • Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Bug killing done for the day. Thought Warrandyte would be a bit busier, but given there more than 30mins wait for food, I guess it probably was.

    Going to try to make the most of the afternoon, but I’ve already inhaled nasal spray twice on top of everything else I do to ward off hayfever.

    Hope you’re all having a good day wherever you are. ✨

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    I made it home. The fairy bread was a HUGE hit. All the kids are adorable . I'm beat an going to bed.

    love you all 😘

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    I bought some mini custard tarts from coles and they were shit. No custard taste, just loaded with sugar. Fucking disgraceful at $5.50 for 6. Disappointment is real. 😔

    • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      So disappointing! All the stuff from colesworth bakeries have gotten stingier to the point where I'm pissed off at it all. All those profits and you couldn't put a tiny bit more filling in the lemon curd tart or mini chocolate croissants! It wouldn't kill them to do more of the rhubarb and apple fruit mince pies I got addicted to before they filled whole sections of the bakery with their usual shitty fruit mince pies with waxy pastry. Bastards.

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    8 months ago

    My assignment is due in a couple of hours, and I still have not finished. Most of the way there, but I need to do some serious editing. Unfortunately the caffeine from my extra coffee earlier is wearing off.

    Edit: OK, I'm done. I have exceeded the word limit with reckless abandon, but I just can't brain any more tonight.