April 8th is International Romani Day. There's a lot I could say, but mostly just want to say thank you all for being a community where I don't have to be afraid to say I'm Gypsy. You'd be surprised how not all European leftists even care about us! So I appreciate you all. So thank you all, please continue to stay educated on our issues, and never be afraid to ask me any questions if you have any.


  • rozako [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I don't think non-negotiable would be the right word. Most Roma nowadays are settled and not nomadic. Often, settled Roma will look down on those who still are nomadic in the traditional sense. We have been really forced into non-nomadism, so at this point, even if it were completely allowed and enabled, I don't think many Roma would go back to that way of life. many of us wouldn't know how, as those who were nomadic are either rather old or have died (we tend to have a shorter life span than other races at least in Europe).

    I'm just one person, but I think our main political demands would be access to equal education, medical care that does not aim to harm us, a place to have our voices heard and considered in politics, and just less discriminations.