Like, it used to be one of the biggest franchises. Fucking everyone had some of those games. You couldn't go to a house without seeing a plastic guitar. It was a fun little game that encouraged hanging out together and you even got to listen to songs you like. Then it just kinda died overnight. How did they do that?
Isn't Rocksmith based on real guitar?
No idea.
Looks pretty solid
Seems to just be a midi interface for your existing electric guitar that maps your real world chords to in game pips
I found a patch cord to usb cable in the trash a bit back and surprisingly my guitar had a direct patch in that I could use with audacity so maybe that would work too. Could be good for learning stuff though my music tastes are pretty far from what's usually available even for open source in a game. Crusties don't mod.
You could always mod it up, or just play Audiosurf
I'll just keep playing a real guitar without a computer.
That too lol
I'm sure it would be good for learning
I go to an annual con, and one guy there has a Rocksmith booth with all the songs and instruments. It's actually quite fun, and yes, it uses real instruments.