Like, the amount of times you hear this is mind boggling. And it’s always liberals/“leftists” who say they’re not racist.

“But I just don’t find them attractive.”

You have NOT seen/interacted with literally every single member of that community. How in the fuck can you just broadly say you aren’t attracted to them?

It’s just a preference.

Like, you’re literally saying you don’t find people of a specific race, or from a specific place, or who follow a specific religion attractive. What the fuck kind of “preference” is this? I don’t understand. That’s terfs saying they don’t find “trans” people attractive. No that’s terfs being literal terfs. Stop it.

I’m a POC too! I can’t be racist against my own race!

Yeah, you are being racist against your own race here. I don’t see why you can’t. Candace Owens regularly spreads anti-Black propaganda for her personal benefit. There are countless such examples.

This shit drives me up the wall. And I haven’t even mentioned the amount of times these devolve into arguments about how ___ race/religion is actually bad and people who are a part of it/follow it are bad. So. Many. Times. And said with a straight face too! By people who say they’re not racist or xenophobic. For some reason people think being a POC means you’re immune from being racist/xenophobic. Which just isn’t true.

I’m not saying your bad for feeling this way. A huge part is the culture we’re born in and grow up in. But a sign of maturity is recognising this ingrained racism and getting rid of it.

Sorry, just sometimes liberals get on my fucking nerves.

  • VernetheJules [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I want to refrain from commenting here too much since I don't consider myself a POC but I like this comment.

    Like I think wherever I was raised I would've ended up being trans because there were signs of that well before I could experience any kind of real attraction.

    But being in a community with lots of connections to white, middle eastern, and latin cultures (where almost no one had very dark skin, at most tan or dark tan), I guess that makes sense that I'm most attracted to women with physical features of and who have ties to those cultures. Partly because I can relate, but yeah also because that's who I grew up around.

    Makes me wonder if things would've been different had I been raised in a community with, say, a large contingent of black folks.

    Thanks for the insight, and sorry for big struggle session you've got on your hands!