That's depressing; quick googling shows that about 12% of the land in Afghanistan is arable, out of 252k miles squared. Doing some math, at its peak better than 7% of all arable land was dedicated to opium...that's insane.
It is from the torture playbook of the French and US state to finance their operations and bribes with illegal - often drug related - deals and securing, setting up etc. of productive facilities. The profits generates are used (on themselves - lol) and on repressing others (e.g. torturing people and killing up to 1 in 2) 'off the books'.
nothing fucked me up more than seeing the graph in this article. Like, 2001 it is almost eradicated after a Taliban ban only to be immediately restarted by the Yanks. Here it is on wikipedia if you can stand them over the Br*'ish
That's depressing; quick googling shows that about 12% of the land in Afghanistan is arable, out of 252k miles squared. Doing some math, at its peak better than 7% of all arable land was dedicated to opium...that's insane.
CW don't read, it is horrible:
It is from the torture playbook of the French and US state to finance their operations and bribes with illegal - often drug related - deals and securing, setting up etc. of productive facilities. The profits generates are used (on themselves - lol) and on repressing others (e.g. torturing people and killing up to 1 in 2) 'off the books'.