Two layers of electrified, barbed wire, with armed guards to keep a colony secure. Colonialism has never actually ended

  • Gayan [undecided]
    3 years ago

    Interesting, do you really believe that your first world status isn't privileged and waranted to the abuse you commited to other nations for centuries and continue to commit nowadays?

    Or do you believe that the Spanish people are just magically more wealthy today because of their inherent virtue? And if you do, isn't it even worse to think that white nations are rich just because of their heritage?

    Why complain about current western colonialism when i can complain about 500 years ago?

    Is your white ass physically incapable of accepting you benefit from the exploitation your nation did so long ago, suffering no consequences for it whatsoever while still clutching some of those lands? You should be ashamed for hoarding it for so long, not proud of it!

    Why talk about the FMI or the current problems facing SA when i can focus on a small patch of spanish territory?

    Are you talking to yourself? Because you seem really horny about defending that piece of land for unbeknownst reasons.