The consumption is the point. They just want candy not a meal. They want fucking marvelslop not Cinema.

Inb4 let people enjoy things, the mindset on display is a perfect member of capitalist society. A mindless consumption machine.

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    11 months ago

    These people should just get a lobotomy and spend the rest of their life in a skinner pleasure machine dripping dopamine into their useless minds

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        11 months ago

        It’s what they want. They don’t want to be challenged, they want 0 friction sugar hits for eternity. They dominate all cinema and art and culture and then even when it gets worse and worse in quality they keep going back. They have no literacy, no standards, no curiosity, so give them what they desire and spare us this dreck

    • cosecantphi [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Actually a really fucked up thing to say, not even from a treat defending perspective. There are actual people suffering with the consequences of forced lobotomization to this day, please rethink your comment, comrade.

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        11 months ago

        I agree it’s a bad thing. I’m saying it’s the end point of this logic. Everything is candy treats for meeeee

    • pillow
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator