my lizard brain requires me to follow a specific routine to be able to sleep, so on days when i drink with the intention of getting drunk, i start at 7 PM. This feels like too early to me, so it makes me anxious (fucking brains, how do they work). So, fellow hexbear enthusiasts, when do you start drinking?
as the obvious sole authority on such matters, the answer is before noon on every day but memorial day, labor day, and a local holiday of choice. that's too early. after noon, or after 9 am on special days, is fair game.
"Day Ending in 'Y' Day" is my favorite local holiday for this.
You should honestly do whatever works best for you but if someone is side-eyeing you for having a drink at 7pm they're probably mormon.
Day drunk is best drunk. So I'll say 10am. but fuck imagine a nice caesar at 10am? Maybe like 8am, cause I shouldn't be up.
too old for that, ill just get sleepy and pass out way early
sunny picnic with the wine is best living. day drunk hell yeah
It's not the time it's the impact on your life. If it's not harming your life and not developing into an addiction, go ahead and have some morning beers on your day off or whatever.
Anything you're not able to maintain from the moment you start until the time you go to sleep for the night is too early
respect. I used to be like that earlier in life, but i guess i succumbed to peer pressure. It requires a lot of willpower to be straight edge.
Someone on Trashfuture was talking about the concept of "Detroit straight-edge," which is when you do all the drugs except opiates