engaging in any way with this will reduce you brain wrinkles by 19%
College was a crazy time. Frat parties, staying sober, shooting poor people and getting paid for it, systemically and systematically disenfranchising minority groups, then I just accidentally got caught on video this one time killing someone and now my life is ruined!
Whomst among us hasn't slowly murdered a man in broad day light
Did Kaitlin Bennett pass out and shit her pants in college? Who knows, I'm just asking questions here!
Also, I know. Yes, she did.
I feel something for Derek Chauvin you got that fucking right
:shocked_porky: 🥓
All the other cops make fun of Chauvin as the one who forgot to plant a gun.
this might come off rude in a way, but right after I read Derek i immediately had to stop reading this lol
Issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them".
Truly a Drill for every occasion.