School uniforms
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(this is just clothing I personally hate, not shitting on anyone that likes them)
Is there clothing you hate too?
I think suits are fun for parties, but making people wear them to work is monstrously cruel.
Men's shorts, however, are the Devil's Clothing.
What, I'm just supposed to wear pants when it's 105 degrees with 98% humidity outside? I like my ass swamp free thanks.
Women's shorts are just as bad, trust me. You can't bend over in them. Most of them are shorter than men's underwear.
Yeah okay but you're probably better looking than me so you can pull it off lol.
Shorts are the greatest item of clothing and I should be allowed to wear them to work
as someone with an officewear fetish, I'm upset, but will accept.
for most people yeah they are not cool.
wearing uncomfortable clothing because:
your boss is a boomer
it makes you feel sexy
Beanies, those weed guy jackets, toms, wait a second I'm describing my high school bf, never mind me
okay, maybe this is just a prime example of Tacky Lesbian Fasion Sense, but ngl i'd wear the hell out of that
it looks soft and its got good vibes
I read a really neat story about asses recently and I'm convinced I don't need pants or underwear anymore
Neckties are the devil. That slight pressure on the base of my throat makes me feel like I'm about to die.
Fuck neckties, I will never wear a necktie
Your collar is the wrong size. That's why you're feeling pressure. A properly sized shirt won't have that problem. Of course, properly sized shirts aren't cheap, which is sort of the point with clothing that displays the wearer's class.
I'm against neckties because they've been continuously in fashion for what, 100 years now? Time for a change. The cravat was much better. I wore a cravat to a costume party a year ago and have been in love with them ever since.
Face it, even if neckties went away the business types would still find a new article of clothing to distinguish themselves from us stinky people.
Idk, that's good context but even the gentlest pressure in that particular neck divot is absolutely maddening.
And a collar the right size exhibits no pressure whatsoever in that space.
Next time you're forced to wear an ill-fitting shirt, look for these things called collar extenders. They look like two buttons looped together. They open your collar up so your tie doesn't strangle you.
Turtlenecks always make me look like an actual turtle, which has probably saved me more than once from becoming a beatnik architect.
I haaaaate them but I can see why some people like them.
skinny blue jeans destroyed the soviet union you will never catch me wearing those treasonous garments
adopting the reactionary paranoia of a socialist project in its dying days to own the libs
Pants + flip flops (unless explicitly walking to/from the beach when it's cool out).
If it's warm enough for flip flops it's too hot for pants. If it's cool enough for pants it's too cold for flip flops.
Romphims. Im all for de-gendering clothing. I wear women's clothes quite a bit but doing this through the tech bro/trust fund kid styling is lame af.
Romphims huh.
I hate the trend of "but it's for men!" branding of fashion. Man buns are just buns, man bags are just bags.
Man buns are just buns, man bags are just bags.
School uniforms can be redeemed. They can be functional and represent what children actually wear while still fostering a sense of camaraderie and equalizing socioeconomic conditions.
yeah they make it so the poor kids can't be as easily identified for bullying. That said a relative of mine wasn't able to go to school because his dad spent all the family's money on prostitutes so his mom told him he was too stupid to be allowed to go to school
School uniforms in retrospec can be good.
In fact, factory and labor uniforms would be dope as fuck.
Also people should be given medals as part of everyday life to go with said uniform.
Polo shirts make no fucking sense. If it's warm enough for short sleeves, i'm not wearing fabric as thick as that, wth were they thinking?
I hate bowties. I either have to use a pre-done one or tie the world's stupidest knot. I really like formal wear and knots, so the fact that this combination of them isn't fun is very very annoying.
So glad no ones moaned about mens tank tops yet its all I ever wear
they're so good! death to the farmer tanline