I don't have all the links I had saved on reddit anymore so I'm trying to get ahead of the next struggle session and I think it would be beneficial for everybody if we planned it out ahead of time. We should at least figure out what it will be about and when it should start. Any ideas? I was thinking we should do something a little bit different than the usual.

  • eduardog3000 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ooh, I'll address the environmental argument:

    Fossils fuels have a much larger effect on the environment to the point where non fossil fuel greenhouse gases from animal agriculture are an afterthought. On top of that, individual action with regards to the climate is useless.

    Here's Kurtis Baute going over his carbon footprint as much as he does to make his footprint extremely low (including veganism) is basically cancelled out by one person's private flights, and he recognizes as much. And that's still not even getting into the system as a whole.

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The first one is flat wrong. Non CO2 animal ag emissions are the 18% figure at best. No way in hell are they 50 fucking percent.

          • eduardog3000 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Ok, let's look at the EPA source. 76% of ghg emissions are CO2, 65pp of which are from "fossil fuels and industrial processes", only 16% come from Methane. If animal ag truly made up 51% of ghg emissions, most of that would be from fossil fuels.

            Then scroll down. 24% of emissions are from "Ag, Forestry, and other land use", which includes animal ag, plant ag, forestry, and more. So animal ag only actually makes up <24% of ghg emissions.

            The image lists it as a source without actually using it as a source...

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It is true that large-scale societal changes rarely happen as a result of one person’s efforts. Rather, these changes happen when a number of people begin to live in alignment with their shared values.

        That's not true. Changes happen at a systemic level.

              • eduardog3000 [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Not right does not necessarily equal wrong. Insisting that everyone should be vegan is the thing that's wrong.

                  • eduardog3000 [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    Brb killing a living being for literally no reason.

                    This kind of language is rooted in the idea that anyone not being vegan is bad.

                    No response to the EPA thing? That's the issue where I actually care and would be potentially willing to accept changes based on.