The gear don't and couldn't do anything. That is, if you wore hockey pads they would be just as effective as megalo gear. A little extra weight in the punch a lot more defence. Most the good force for you punches come from the legs. Having a machine that could at best twist your spine extra hard isn't gonna do anything but rupture your discs. The gearless gimmick really isn't that big a deal. It just proves how much the gear don't actjally do anything.

To that the whole thing is a mostly stage managed to be thinly veild advertising for gimmick products and the military industrial complex. So that is much like real combat sports.

The fighters are all socially maladjusted and routinely mess up the plans for no reason / cte.

that the sport is garbage that makes the show so much better. Plus the show is awsome in every other way, people just ignore this aspect and I have to weeb avout it. Also, gear are rad as hell and I want some.