Asking for a friend

  • halfpipe [they/them]
    3 years ago

    1:panic for 5-20 minutes

    2:try to call family

    3: get no signal because the satellite network will be one of the first things hit

    4:Go up on the roof to get a good view as I drink wine , play pokemon and wait to die instantly in the first strike

    Fuck trying to survive the aftermath of a nuclear exchange. Between the fallout and the blown power grid it would get very grim for the survivors very quickly.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, total grid blackout would mean no power grid for at least another year. More with radiation and infrastructure damage.

      Balkanized America real quick.

      • Claus [he/him]
        3 years ago

        The infrastructure was fucked before. It'll get somehow worse...

    • RedCoat [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Fully understand the desire to not stick around for what comes after but I think its important to remember nearly all post-apocalyptic media is made for pure fantasy enjoyment. As long as a few people survive they will almost certainly band together, humans much prefer working together over the lone wolf bullshit you see youtube preppers going on about for shit hits the fan scenarios. As long as the radiation didn't do a number on you I think it would actually be a much better time to be alive than now tbh, back to small communities working together with common goals and work that actually has a direct material effect on your well-being and those around you..... man I wish I lived in a county where land wasn't insanely expensive and planning permission wasn't a bastard, I'd happily go and live like that now.

      • borisjohnson [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I do agree to an extent but it would also give America's masses of domestic extremists free reign to rove around murdering people with impunity